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Recipe For: Loaded Potato Hash

Ingredients to cook hash:

1 Medium Potato OR 1 cup Cubed Potato

3 Tbs. Vegetable Oil or any oil with a high smoking point

1 Tbs. "There's Always a First" Spice Blend

If desired, additional salt and pepper to taste


Ingredients to add in to make it loaded up:

(Note: Add-ins are only suggestions, adjust to your own taste!)

1/4 Cup Cooked, Chopped Bacon (Follow Package Instructions)

2 Tbs. Shredded Cheddar Cheese

2 Tsp. Scallions / Green Onion

1/2 Sliced Avocado

1 Tsp. "There's Always a First" Spice Blend (to sprinkle on top)


Equipment needed:

Measuring Spoons / Cups

Cutting Board

Sharp Knife

Vegetable Peeler (If skin isn't desired)

Bowl with cool water in it, enough to cover potatoes completely

Colander / Strainer

Paper Towels

Clean Bowls

Small Cast-Iron Skillet or Small Metal Skillet (Approx. 8-inch Diameter)

Spatula / Turner

Oven Mitts

Fork or something to test if the potatoes are done, in case it is needed

Heat-proof mat

Plate or Bowl for finished item



Gather mis en place (all ingredients and equipment).

If required, peel and cube your potato.

Store the cut up pieces within the bowl of water until finished cutting.

Begin heating your skillet on medium-high heat.

Strain your potatoes from the water and dry off on some paper towels.

Toss potatoes with "There's Always a First."

Lower burner heat to medium and place in your oil.

After oil heats up, approximately 15 seconds, gently pour your spiced potatoes in.

Have a spatula and oven mitts on hand.

As the sides begin to golden, about 1-2 minutes on each side, turn and make certain nothing is sticking using your spatula.

If you want to hold your skillet by the handle, wear the oven mitt.

After all sides are golden, feel free to test if they are finished using a fork. Just about all oil should had been absorbed by your golden potato cubes at this point.

Now, it's time to get creative!

Feel free to use the topping suggestions I made above, or some things completely different.

Be careful though, the skillet is super hot! The cheese will melt soon after being placed on, and the skillet should be handled with oven mitts on and then placed onto a heat-proof mat.

Feel free to put it all onto a plate or into a bowl!

Always be safe when handling hot items, and properly seasoned!


Thanks for checking out the first recipe to ever be posted on Spiceroy's blog! Let me know what you think!

Stay Seasoned, Spice Lovers!



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