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DIY Tea-Fried Chicken


2 Chicken Breasts, cut in half

1/3 cup potato starch

1 Tbs Moving Right Oolong

1/3 cup Oil



Measuring cups / spoons

Shallow bowl to hold breading

Cutting Board

Chef’s Knife & Paring Knife

Meat Mallet

Plastic Wrap


Large plate for draining

Paper Towels

A meal to enjoy it with



Grab all ingredients and equipment.

Combine your potato starch and Moving Right Oolong in a shallow bowl, then set to side until needed.

Place a layer of plastic wrap on your cutting board, then your chicken, and another layer of plastic wrap on top.

Using a meat mallet, pound it out nice and thin, about 1/2 of an inch thick. Repeat until all chicken is finished.

Remove and discard the plastic wrap.

Coat all of your pieces in the starch mixture, patting off the excess.

Prepare a pan for frying, size depends on amount of chicken you're making.

Have a large plate or cutting board coated in paper towels for draining ready.

Coat the bottom of the pan in oil, about 1 cm or 1/3 inch deep.

Heat it on medium. When oil is hot, test it with a dust of the starch mix. If it's bubbling and floating, it's ready.

Place chicken pieces in, and cook until nicely golden, about 5 minutes.

Flip it over, and cook until that side is also golden.

Take out and drain on the paper towels.

Feel free to enjoy it however you like! In the video, I had spinach salad with carrot, tomato, chickpeas, croutons, and a soft-boiled tea egg. Probably recognize it from last week's video. I drizzled balsamic glaze on top with Moving Right Oolong EVOO.

Stay Spicy, Spice Lubbers!



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